Ref Survey Results Are IN!!!!


Over the last month we asked about how we wanted refs to interact with our club. Below are the results:


[learn_more caption=”How often should we have refs?”]

50% said “Every night we play – refs in the pool”.

30% said “One night a week”.

remainder was a mix of other options.


[learn_more caption=”When we have refereeing would you like the score to be kept for games?”]

65% said “No”.

35% said “Yes”.


[learn_more caption=”Would you support kickouts during a game?”]

77% said “Yes”.

23% said “No”.


[learn_more caption=”People who indicated they would referee in some capacity?”]

17 people said “Yes”.



Summary of the results

  • We want refs on a regular basis – 1 to 2 times a week
  • We DO NOT want score keeping at social games
  • We DO want kickouts in our refereed games
  • Quite a number of people are willing to participate in refereeing.

What happens next?

Now that we have some indication of what we’d like for the club, I will be contacting those who put their hand up for refereeing and creating a roster for a 3 month period.

We’ll see how it goes for the 12 weeks and then we’ll put another survey up (probably on the website this time) and we’ll examine how it went.

So stay tuned, and watch out for a ref coming to a pool near you!!!



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